8. Authenticity

Building a reputation of authenticity takes work, it requires, time, and it requires commitment. Regardless of what bad decisions we’ve made in the past, at any time, we can start building a record of accomplishments to show that we’re authentic in our efforts to succeed—as we define success.

If we want others to invest in us, to believe in us, we need to develop a system. That system requires:

» Strategies

» Tactics

» Metrics

Make it Systemic:

We want to replicate our success in every area of our life. To achieve that end, we need to do more than talk about developing strategies, tactics, and metrics. We need further development, working to create a systemic path to success.

Authenticity requires:

» Strategies: Develop a documented plan that will lead to our success.

» Tactics: Show the tools we’ve developed to help us achieve more.

» Metrics: Create mechanisms to measure our progress.

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Get Out of the Rut:

If we have strategies and metrics, but no tactics, we don’t know what to do. We cannot build a record of authenticity unless we become self-directed, knowing that it’s our responsibility to climb our way from struggle into prosperity.

When we define success, we need to think about each of the tactics that will help us achieve all that we’re setting out to achieve.

 Don’t get stuck in the rut, and don’t wait for others to change your life.

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Develop Discipline:

Sometimes, people can define success. They create a strategy and they identify tactics. Yet if they’re missing accountability metrics, they tend to flounder. They procrastinate and time passes without any measurable progress. Before they know it, months or years have passed by without any measurable progress.

 Authenticity requires that we work toward building a record to show how we’re self-directed—that our success depends upon our intrinsic motivation, not on what others do for us. 

Lacks Repeatability:

When we have metrics and tactics, but we lack an overall strategy, we fail to build that record of authenticity that inspires others to believe us. We want to show the world that we’re more than the bad decisions of our past, or the current challenges in our life.

To succeed in building a record of authenticity, we a coherent strategy that incorporates every area of our life. Sometimes people succeed in one area, but they fail in others. From people who build records of authenticity, we see a coherent and documented strategy, with clear tactics and tools, and measurable metrics.

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Lacks Direction:

If we blame external forces on our lack of motivation, we cannot inspire others to believe in us. People want to work with others that can inspire confidence.

To inspire confidence, we need to show that we’re self-directed. We show that we’re self-directed and authentic when we can show our:

» Documented strategies,

» The tools we developed for our tactics, and

» Measurable accountability tools that we developed.

That’s when we show we’re authentic. With such tools, we make it more likely for others to invest in us. 

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Sustainable Personal Growth:

Get everything working together and we build a pathway to personal growth that is:

» Predictable

» Repeatable

» Scientific

» Authentic

These are the pathways to success, in all areas of our life. 


To keep the wheels of growth spinning, we start by defining success.

Think of how you can define success right now, in a specific area of your life.

Defining success is always a first step.    


Once you’ve defined success, then assess where you are. What is it going to take for you to bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to go.

To the extent that we give an honest assessment, we empower ourselves for the journey ahead.

Introspect; figure out what decisions you made that led to where you are right now.

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Use your definition of success and your assessment of where you are to “idea-ate.”

Come up with ideas.

» What can you do with the resources around you to make progress?

» How can Socratic questioning help you make better decisions?

» What incremental steps will lead to new opportunities?

» How will your incremental steps relate to your definition of success?

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» What is your plan of attack?

» How will you define to others the reasons behind the decisions you’ve made?

» In what ways does your plan influence prospects for your success?  


» What are the priorities for you to put in place?

» Make a case for what your accomplishments were last week.

» Show why the decisions you made last week put you on a path for more success this week.

» How will your decisions this week relate to what you’re going to accomplish next month? 

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» What is your daily execution plan?

» What makes your plan sustainable?

» What does your execution plan say about your commitment to success?

» How will your avatars assess your execution plan?  

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» What does your accountability log look like?

» With whom do you share your accountability log?

» What does your accountability log say about your commitment to success?

» What does your accountability log say about your authenticity?

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To whom are you reporting your progress?

» How will your reporting strategies influence your next steps?

» What does your reporting say about your ability to be self-directed?

» In what ways do you anticipate new opportunities opening because of your wheel of progress?   

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» In what ways do your strategies show a predictable pathway to growth?

» How can you use this documented strategy to repeat high levels of progress and advancement in other areas of your life?

» In what ways does your documented strategy relate to a scientific process?

» How does your approach reflect your authenticity?  

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 Be Deliberate:

» Show that you’re not pursuing some random path, filled with excuses and happy talk.

» Differentiate yourself from others who talk about working toward success, but lack a disciplined, deliberate plan. 

 Keep Your Gears Turning:

» Build your machine to success.

» Work through your progress. 

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Start Your 90-Day Plan:

» Write down what you’re most proud of over the past 90 days.

» Write down any regrets you have over what you’ve done over the past 90 days.  

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Where are You Now?

» What are you confident about with regard to what is going on in your life right now?

» What is lacking with regard to your mindset or life right now? 

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What do you see in your future?

» Write down what you’re most enthusiastic or excited about with regard to what you see in your future.

» Write down all that is worrying you about your future right now.  

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Create Your Execution Plan:

» Build pride, confidence, and excitement by coming up with five execution cycles that you can begin now.

» In what ways does your execution cycles relate to how you define success?

» How do your execution plans relate to your documented strategies?

» What tools and tactics will you develop to succeed with your execution cycles?

» How will you measure progress with your execution cycles?     

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 This is your path to authenticity!   

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